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The Benefits of Overseas Work Experience!

The Benefits of Overseas Work Experience

Overseas work experience is a fantastic opportunity to not only gain independence but also to upskill and add to your CV, to show potential employers that you’re an ideal candidate, dedicated to your advancement in the workplace.

What is Overseas Work Experience?

Work experience is defined as a short-term travel experience that enables individuals to upskill and gain knowledge within a professional environment within a specific sector. Work experience is something that can not only boost your knowledge but also improve your CV to make you a more desirable employee.

Why is Overseas Work Experience Important

Taking part in international work experience is important as it improves your cultural awareness and takes you out of your comfort zone.


What skills can I gain from completing overseas work experience?

During your time on work experience you will be able to gain

  • Allows you to step outside of your comfort zone – showing strength of character and ability to take on a challenge.
  • Cultural awareness – You will develop a better cultural awareness of working with people with a different nationality to yourself. Adjusting to different working practices.
  • Improve communication skills– People joining on this experience will come from different backgrounds and maybe have different levels of communication, therefore, when spending 13 weeks with the same people you will learn to be able to efficiently communicate with them.)
  • Improve language skills – (depending on the types of overseas work experience you will be able to go to, perhaps a different country, places where English is not peoples first language, being able to upskill and develop your language diversity will put you higher in the work placement as it gives you an advantage.)
  • Networking – (Meeting new people and expanding your skills, this will develop your networking skills and enable you to)

All these skills that you could gain along the process of the work experience will help you become more desirable to an employer and will improve your CV.

How Pin Point can help you?

Pin Point recognise the struggle of finding work experience once you are out of education. We are here to give you that helping hand in finding the Overseas work experience right for you. Pin Point Training are excited to offer this great opportunity to take part in our Erasmus+ programme to Dublin. We are offering learners that have completed our training programmes within the last 6 months, the opportunity to uptake a fully funded, 13-week work experience placement within logistics or construction. This experience is fully funded for you and includes many benefits.

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